Repellents for various insects

Mapping bedbug-infested areas in Lyon: an urban plague

In Lyon, the infestation of bed bugs, also known as mattress bugs, is constantly increasing. These parasites, discreet and tenacious, can turn daily life into a real ordeal for residents. It also analyzes the causes of this phenomenon and its…

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Bed bug size: a practical guide to identification

Bed bugs are a growing problem worldwide. These troublesome pests, capable of reproducing rapidly, can invade homes and apartments, causing discomfort and health problems. Early identification is essential for controlling a bed bug infestation. This comprehensive guide will help you…

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Causes of joint swelling after insect bites

Insect bites, although generally harmless, can cause local reactions that are sometimes unpleasant. Among these reactions, swelling and pain in the joints, such as the finger, are common symptoms. Understanding the causes of this phenomenon helps to identify risk factors…

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Zwermperiode voor gevleugelde mieren in de stad

A dark cloud descends on the city, thousands of winged ants swirling in a chaotic aerial ballet. This fascinating and sometimes problematic spectacle marks the beginning of the swarming season of winged ants, a phenomenon that affects many cities around…

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Perimeterbescherming tegen Aziatische horzels

The arrival of the Asian hornet in Europe has caused a veritable invasion. These insects, present in many countries, represent a growing threat to public health, the ecosystem, and the tranquility of citizens. With their powerful venom and aggressiveness, it…

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Dogs’ sensitivity to mosquito bites

Mosquitoes, those pesky biting insects, are a common summer nuisance for humans. But did you know they can also pose a threat to your dog’s health? While dogs aren’t as sensitive to mosquito bites as humans, they can still be…

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Cost-effective solutions for regular canine deworming

Regular deworming is crucial for your dog’s health. However, the costs of brand-name dewormers can be high. Finding affordable alternatives to protect your dog from intestinal parasites is therefore essential. Understanding the Risks of Intestinal Worms in Dogs Intestinal worms…

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Understanding the biological cycle of bedbugs for better intervention

Bed bugs, those nocturnal blood-sucking insects, are a modern plague that affects many homes and establishments. They feed on human blood, causing painful bites and intense itching, thus impacting our daily lives and comfort. To effectively combat these parasites, it…

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Sources of infestation: where do house ants come from?

Imagine coming home and discovering a line of ants marching across your floor. A feeling of disgust washes over you, and you wonder how these little creatures managed to infiltrate your home. Ants, these social insects, can quickly transform your…

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Spotting traces of infesting bugs

Bed bugs, those tiny blood-sucking insects, are a plague that is spreading more and more. Their creeping presence in homes and public places represents a major public health problem. Detecting an infestation quickly is essential to avoid an uncontrollable situation….

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